The Kounter Kulture menu is a rotating list of Asian dishes representing China, Korea, Thailand, Japan, and Vietnam. We believe in sourcing proteins and vegetables from local farms for culinary and environmental reasons so you can expect a sustainable, seasonal menu on each visit. We have a deep commitment to supporting other small business' and farm families through our purchasing.
“The dishes that restaurant-industry veterans Christine Meyer and Mike Miller served from a stall at the Tower Grove Farmers Market and at pop-up events were so delicious and creative that Kounter Kulture muscled past any objections to its transient nature.”
“No other chef in Saint Louis has been able to grasp modern Asian flavors, particularly Southeast Asian and Japanese. And they’re doing it using locally sourced produce.”
“Nothing says summer like a BLT. And St. Louisans know the best place to fill up on the classic sandwich is at Kounter Kulture’s stall at the Tower Grove Farmers’ Market.”
“When I reveal my favorite dishes of the year, count on the togarashi-spiced, Southern-meets-Asian catfish po’boy steamed bun to appear near the top of the list.”